one thousand gifts

A few weeks ago, I was troubled by my own life. It seems that I've fallen into the 'hole of discontent'. Although, God has blessed me in so many ways, I feel lost, tired and sad. People that truly don't know me, see only what they want to see--a smile, a kind word, a hard worker. Those that know me well, read between the lines and want to know "what's wrong?".

My life has been dramatically changing since moving to Texas. There have been many trials and I have felt far away from family...lonely for friends...and God.

I read my daily devotionals on line in the morning, listen to Christian radio stations K-Love and AFR (American Family Radio), attend a wonderful church here in Temple, and all the while feeling disconnected. I 'feel' God nudging me to reach out for Him--and I have--but through my reaching, I find more friendships and love being stripped from me. I know He has a plan for me, but it wasn't until the book written by Ann Voskamp 'came into my hands', that I realized I am to be thankful and joyful in all things. Even, the life circumstances that cause me grief and pain.  It is through the daily events (both good and bad, happy and sad) that we are shaped.

The writings by Ann Voskamp, her journey in God's path has helped me tremendously! She has become an instrument of God--a beacon for me to follow. I am thankful!!

You can find her link below for her daily blog page. It is a welcome respite for me each day about 2:00 p.m. when the blog comes in my email box.  I look forward to a quiet time of reading and quietness. Sitting with God through her brief stories and insights.

I hope you will find time to read her page.  If you want a copy of her book, you can find the link on her pages. If you don't have the money to do that, please send me a private note.

Start your own journal, like I have and "dare to live fully right where you are"

~~Love, Cynthia.


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