Welcome to my first Blog on this site!
Blogging (talking) is something I LOVE to do! just ask my friends.
I'm certain there are times that they just wish I would 'shut-up', but it seems I have lots of thoughts in my head and they just seem to tumble out of me.
I'm a curious person (does it REALLY kill the cat?) and that is how I found this blogging venue.
I actually began by looking for photos of elderly people's hands, and that lead to photos, and that--in turn--led to more connecting pages for crafts, scrapbooking, etc.
Then I found a wonderful page and wanted to leave a note,
but couldn't do that until I created THIS site.
So here I am!
WELCOME...and I hope I'll have interesting things to say.


Monique said…

try this address to the link for the spirit cloth. Good luck with your new blog!

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